Thursday, August 27, 2009

what a loser

"Oh" says he who laughs
"How ridiculous, you are!"
He mocks and belittles.
As you are queer. Different from him.

"Oh" says she who sniggers
"How weird, you are!"
She ridicules and discriminates.
As you are independant. Disregarding the crowd.

"Oh" says them who judge
"What a loser, you are!"
They push and shove and kick.
As you produce your thoughts. Unique ones.

"Oh" you say with triumph
"How shallow you all are!"
You rise, reaches the top and conquers.
As your difference leaves them far behind.

And you smile gleefully,
"You laugh cause im different. I laugh cause ur all the same."

1 comment:

s h a g o o said...
