Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I dont ever wanna be on The Moment of Truth

I saw an episode from the first season.
This lady was answering question after tricky question.
And then she reached the 100thousand point.

The questions was:

1) Do you secretly stay in touch with any bfs that ur husband doesnt know abt?
her answer: no.
lie detector's answer: true.
[the husband was smiling happily, proud of the lil wifey. and he kept muttering that i trust her i trust her]

2) Have you ever taken off your wedding ring to appear as if you were single?
her answer: yes
lie detector's answer: true
[at this point, the husband was still laughing and just looked mildly flustered.]

3) Do you believe you mightve been in love with a former bf on ur wedding day?
her answer: yes
lie detector's answer: true
[the husband claimed that he thought she might still think about the ex but had no idea that she still loved the guy in question. you can see the trembling hands now.]

And this is the tricky part. Her ex-boyfriend actually came on stage to ask the next question.

4) If i wanted to get back together with you, would you leave your husband?
[the girl's dad took the husband's hands and held them gila babi tight that it probably stopped his blood circulation. the fake smile on his face seemed harder to be forced on by now.]

Then her sister hit the buzzer, giving her a free pass(or perhaps so they thought). So she got an alternate question also posed by the ex bf.

4) Do you believe that im the man you should be married to?
her answer: yes
lie detector's answer: true
[The husband was so not smiling anymore. He looked as if he wanted to cry. The ex, on the other hand, looked like a smug bitch]

After all that, she secured the 100thousand jackpot. And the husband asked her to go on. He claimed that "what else is there to really tell me". So she went for it.

5) Since you've been married, have you ever had sexual relations with someone other than your husband?
her answer: yes
lie detector's answer: true
[the husband simply looks like he'd love to cut her up with a steak knife or something equally as painful]

6) Do you think you're a good person?
her answer: yes
lie detector's answer: false
[throughout the time, the husband was mouthing no.]

Ohhh i think its just so stupid that she was honest throughout the time but she lost all that money simply because subconciously she knows that she's not a good person but conciously she had no clue.

I dont know how it ended though. Whether they ended up getting divorce ke apa. But i cringed at every single question posed. Pfft.

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